সমস্যা ও সমাধান বই - ১ এর উপর অনুশীলন ( Practice code for Problem and Solutions Book - 1 by Mahbubul Hasan )
Commit Time | 22 Oct 2017 11:50 |
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
vector<pair<string, string> > all_books;
map<string, bool> borrowed;
map<string, bool> returned;
int main() {
char book[85], author[85];
while (scanf("\"%[^\"]\" by %[^\n]\n", book, author)) {
all_books.push_back(make_pair(author, book));
borrowed[book] = 0;
returned[book] = 0;
sort(all_books.begin(), all_books.end());
scanf("%s\n", book); // eating the END
while (scanf("%s ", book)) { // using 'book' as buffer to read the command
string cmd(book);
if (cmd == "END") break;
if (cmd == "SHELVE") {
string last;
for (auto b: all_books) {
if(!borrowed[b.second]) last = b.second;
else if(returned[b.second]) {
if(last.length()) printf("Put \"%s\" after \"%s\"\n", b.second.c_str(), last.c_str());
else printf("Put \"%s\" first\n", b.second.c_str());
borrowed[b.second] = 0;
last = b.second;
scanf("\"%[^\"]\"\n", book);
if (cmd == "BORROW") {
borrowed[book] = 1;
} else if (cmd == "RETURN") {
returned[book] = 1;
return 0;