psbook solutions

সমস্যা ও সমাধান বই - ১ এর উপর অনুশীলন ( Practice code for Problem and Solutions Book - 1 by Mahbubul Hasan )

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UVa 815 - Flooded!

We will sort the blocks according to height and keep pouring water until we run out of water or all the blocks are drowned.

Commit Time 15 Oct 2017 14:44

case = 1

while True:
    n, m = map(int, input().split())
    if n == 0 and m == 0:
    blocks = []
    for i in range(n):
        blocks.extend(list(map(int, input().split())))
    total = int(input())

    idx = 0
    height = blocks[0]
    drowned = 0

    while True:
        if idx > n*m:
        while blocks[idx+1] == blocks[idx]:
            idx += 1

        h = blocks[idx+1] - blocks[idx]
        if(h*100*(idx+1) <= total):
            total -= h*100*(idx+1)
            drowned = idx + 1
            height += h
            idx += 1
        elif total > 0:
            drowned = idx+1
            height += total/(100*(idx+1))
    print("Region {}\nWater level is {:.2f} meters.\n{:.2f} percent of the region is under water.\n"
          .format(case, height, drowned/(n*m)*100))
    case += 1