psbook solutions

সমস্যা ও সমাধান বই - ১ এর উপর অনুশীলন ( Practice code for Problem and Solutions Book - 1 by Mahbubul Hasan )

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UVa 1591 - Data Mining

We will go through all possible combinations of A and B and generate Qofs for maximum Pofs ( (N-1)Sp ) and then we’ll see which of them is the smallest, but greater than or equal (N-1)Sq

Commit Time 15 Oct 2017 14:44

from sys import stdin

for line in stdin:
    n, sp, sq = map(int, line.split())
    minK = 1e10
    a = 0
    b = 0
    for i in range(35):
        for j in range(35):
            pofs = (n-1)*sp
            curK = (pofs + (pofs << i)) >> j
            if curK >= sq*(n-1) and curK < minK:
                minK = curK
                a = i
                b = j
    print(minK+sq, a, b)