psbook solutions

সমস্যা ও সমাধান বই - ১ এর উপর অনুশীলন ( Practice code for Problem and Solutions Book - 1 by Mahbubul Hasan )

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UVa 1590 - IP networks

We need to find the bit until which all the IP addresses are same. We’ll then take a number with all bits on (-1) and turn off all the bits after that bit. That’s our mask. And the network address is mask & any of the addresses

Commit Time 15 Oct 2017 14:44

from math import log2

def to_decimal(ip):
    return sum([int(b) << ((3-i)*8) for i, b in enumerate(ip.split('.'))])

def to_ip(n):
    return '.'.join([str(n >> (i*8) & 255) for i in range(3, -1, -1)])

while True:
        n = int(input())
    except EOFError:

    first = to_decimal(input())
    diff = 0

    for i in range(n-1):
        c = to_decimal(input())
        diff |= (first ^ c)
        mask = ((1 << int(log2(diff)+1)) - 1) ^ -1
    except ValueError:
        mask = ~diff
    print(to_ip(first & mask))