psbook solutions

সমস্যা ও সমাধান বই - ১ এর উপর অনুশীলন ( Practice code for Problem and Solutions Book - 1 by Mahbubul Hasan )

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Timus 1313 - Some Words about Sports

Commit Time 15 Oct 2017 14:44

from sys import stdin

n = int(input())

arr = []

for line in stdin:

for i in range(n*2):
    j = max(i-n+1, 0)
    i = min(i, n-1)
    while i >= 0 and j < n:
        end = '\n' if (i == n-1 and j == n-1) else ' '
        print(arr[i][j], end=end)
        i -= 1
        j += 1